Artificial Intelligence and Innovation Council August meeting Summary

As last reported to our membership, GAM launched a new Council in July called, “Artificial Intelligence and Innovation (“AI/I”). In its first meeting, members discussed the collective issues and areas of interest that pertain to AI and innovation. The list was long, but discussion funneled the many and varied items into three priority objectives:
- Establish an education program
- Develop a roster of high-value use cases
- Build strategic partnerships
On August 29, the AI/I Council members met again to take the next steps in tackling the priority objectives and putting more definition to each. Here is a short summary of the Council discussion:
Regarding the establishment of an education program on AI for members, it was noted that while AI has existed for many years, a working definition is needed for manufacturers that separates “hype” from reality. One member cautioned that the “valley of disillusionment often follows hype” so a practical definition is warranted. Further, it was acknowledged that AI is a complex topic and requires knowledge and understanding to advance productive conversations on product selection, use cases and related items. Importantly, defining AI in manufacturing terms will help members make sense of it for their respective companies. One member noted that he was both a “purveyor of AI and protector of his company from AI”. Creation of an education program for members will help resolve these issues. Education will include identifying essential articles and publications. Another key feature of the education program will be to establish criteria for product selection that will help members better evaluate vendors.
The conversation then shifted to developing a roster of use cases. Members strongly desire to see AI use cases that deliver tangible ROI. They felt it critical to “anchor AI to business outcomes”. Members understand there are multiple applications for AI and that creating a finite set of categories or “buckets” of use cases will be a good way to organize this effort. Several members have significant expertise in practical applications of AI from their respective manufacturing operations, so it will be exciting to see the list of high value use cases that emerges.
Finally, members said it was valuable to create a list of AI partners in Georgia who can provide objective and expert insight on the technology. This could include academics, agencies and possibly one or two strategic vendors with helpful perspectives. Due diligence will be done on prospective partners to ensure they provide meaningful assistance and trust. Once assembled, this will be an impressive networking list and yet another strategic resource provided by GAM for its members.
The education program and use case objectives will each be driven by small working groups of members who will take on the task of executing the objectives. GAM members interested in participating one or both of these working groups are asked to reach out to the AI/I Council Chair and Vice Chair, Jeff Kramer ( and Scott Burkey