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Artificial Intelligence and Innovation Council has inaugural meeting

AII Council

First Meeting Recap and Next Steps

On July 23, GAM hosted its inaugural Artificial Intelligence and Innovation (“AI/I”) Council meeting. Nearly 20 GAM members participated

Both the AI/I Council, and our recently launched Operational Excellence (OE) council, are completely new to GAM. The Association now boasts six, member-led and directed councils with each having a charter, mission, objectives and leadership.

Like OE, the AI/I council is borne from significant member interest.

During the initial meeting, it became clear that members have strong desire to make AI/I a forum for education on AI and other innovations. Specifically, members put forward an extensive list of topics with the following generating the most discussion:

  • Ongoing education on AI
  • Trends in AI development
  • Guidance on skills required to support AI deployments
  • How to think about AI strategically
  • Identifying manufacturing AI case studies; specifically, “How can AI help? How is it best applied?”
  • Playbooks for deployment of AI use cases
  • Engagement with AI Vendors or solutions that include AI Capabilities
  • Creating strategic AI partnerships, such as with GA Tech
  • Understanding legislative issues that pertain to AI

Regarding next steps, the Council adopted a series of short-term action items, with the first to cluster topics of interest into the following major categories:

  • Education Program
  • Use Case Development
  • Building Strategic Partnerships

The second action item is to form a “working group” within the Council to research and draft policy recommendations on the adoption and application of AI in Georgia that represents the best interests of manufacturers. This action is timely, as State Senate and House Committees are currently holding public meetings to seek inputs on lawmaking to guide the adoption and use of AI in Georgia. The study reviews conclude in December. GAM’s AI/I Council will present its recommendations in the coming months.

Finally, the Council tasked itself with developing a meeting schedule through to the end of 2024. The next meeting is scheduled for August 29, at 8:00 AM, at the Metro Atlanta Chamber of Commerce. Click here to RSVP.

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