GAM Policy Councils update

Policy Councils Launched and Active
As part of the ongoing transformation of the Association, GAM has relaunched and refocused our Policy Councils to increase member engagement and input and to enhance our advocacy on behalf of Georgia manufacturers.
In recent months, four GAM Policy Councils – Tax, Environmental Quality, Energy and Legislative & Public Policy – have been active, convening meetings and providing value to members. The Councils gather subject matter experts and stakeholders from members across our Association and bring them together for three primary purposes:
(1) to keep members informed of the latest developments and issues within each of the respective subject areas;
(2) to provide an avenue for member input that helps guide GAM’s public advocacy and member education efforts; and
(3) to facilitate collaboration and the sharing of best practices and solutions among members.
Ultimately, the work done by these Councils helps to develop GAM’s policy agenda, which in turn sustains the operations and supports the continued competitiveness of manufacturing in Georgia.
The Legislative & Public Policy Council meets each Friday at 1 p.m. during the Legislative Session, and the rest of the Councils will be developing engagement plans including scheduling their first meetings of 2024 soon. Departing from the prior model of one meeting per year, each Council now will meet virtually or in person multiple times per year, increasing member engagement opportunities. We also will be sharing news soon on additional Councils that will be relaunching so stay tuned!
If you and/or others in your company would like to join one or more of the Councils, or if you have any questions at all about how the Councils operate and what they are currently working on, please let us know. GAM is fully committed to ensure that the return on your investment of time will be well worth it and we know that your participation will increase the effectiveness of the Association as the advocate for Georgia manufacturers.