Copy of 2023 Workforce / Plant Management Seminar – Welcome Letter
Welcome to Sonesta Resort Hilton Head Island! We are thrilled to be with our GAM family for what we know will be a terrific weekend.
On behalf of the GAM Team, we thank you for attending this year's Workforce / Plant Management Seminar. We have an outstanding agenda that includes informative sessions as well as networking opportunities, and we hope you will enjoy everything we have planned.
Our sessions this year seminar will focus on challenges impacting Georgia manufacturers and their workforce, and you'll learn more about the transformation GAM is undertaking to support its members. We'll open our seminar with remarks from Judge Ben Vinson, the Chair of the State Board of Workers' Compensation, and Todd Ross, PC. Lloyd Avram, GAM President, and Stephanie Scarce, GAM Director of Workforce Development, will give an update on the Association's organizational transformation and workforce development efforts.
Each day will offer engaging sessions focused on relevant topics. We will hear about innovative workforce solutions including programs to engage high school students with manufacturing careers, overcoming childcare barriers in the workforce, and navigating the complexities of employment and labor laws. Mayor Scott James Matheson will tell us about the public transportation program created in the City of Valdosta, Dr. Roger Tutterow returns to present on trends impacting the economy and labor market, and Shane Sims, executive director of Modern Pathways to Recovery, will close our weekend with an inspiring story on second chance hiring.
In addition to the business sessions, the meeting will provide plenty of opportunities for networking and socializing, including the Dinner and Dancing on Friday evening, and the Luau Reception at the Beach Pavilion on Saturday evening.
GAM is also excited to announce our Summer Cooler Raffle Fundraiser. Tickets will be $10 each and will be available for purchase during the registration and welcome reception, and at the Luau reception on Saturday evening. Al proceeds will benefit Manufacturers Education Foundation (MEF). ME provides support for Georgia Tech and the Technical College System of Georgia designed to benefit students who will be the next generation of Georgia's manufacturing workforce. The raffle winner will be announced Saturday at 8:30p.m. You must be present to win. Cash only. Please contact Rebekah Murray for more information. (
Thank you for joining us for this year's Seminar. Your attendance will make the seminar better and we look forward to a very successful meeting!
The GAM Team